Carsharing in Alcudia

Rent an electric car by the hour and from your mobile phone to move around the island.

100% Online

No queues, no waiting. Register, book and open the car from the Muvon app. Our team will validate your details in just a few minutes.


With Muvon you only pay for the hours your booking lasts. No additional costs such as deposit or insurance. What's more, as it's an electric car, you don't pay for petrol or parking.


Our cars do not emit polluting gases and are powered by certified 100% renewable energy sources.

How it works

All you need is the Muvon app

1. Download the Muvon app on your mobile phone
It’s free. With Muvon you only pay for the hours of the reservation.

2. Register with your driving licence, ID card and payment method
We will validate your details in a matter of minutes.

3. Make your first booking and drive
Start enjoying the freedom that carsharing gives you!


No additional costs

With Muvon you only pay for the hours your booking lasts. Forget about car rental costs such as deposit, deposit or petrol. As it is an electric car, you won’t have to pay for parking in most towns in Mallorca.

Hourly rate

The minimum booking time is 30 minutes. Price 7,20€ / hour.

Close to you

Available in Port d'Alcudia

Rent an electric BMW i3 with 4 seats, 5 doors and 300km of autonomy to move around the island.

We have a Muvon station located in the Botel Alcudiamar Club car park in collaboration with Alcudiamar Puerto Deportivo.